Tips on How to Cope with Dental Fear and Anxiety

There aren’t many people who look forward to visiting their dentist; however, for some, it is more than that. Other people experience nightmares of dental drills and feel stressed at the thought of undergoing basic hygiene appointments—all of these, even though most dental procedures are pain-free.

Do you ever get nervous at the thought of going to the dentist? If so, you are not alone. Maybe you’re scared of getting hurt during the procedure, or perhaps it’s been a long time since your last appointment, so you’re afraid of what your dentist will find. No matter what your reasons may be, we at VIP Dentistry will help you alleviate your fear and anxiety—through sedation dentistry!

dental fear


For now, we have provided some effective tips that will help you cope with dental fear and anxiety. Read on to know what these tips are! 

Speak up and communicate with your dentist

If ever you feel afraid or anxious at the thought of dental procedures, it is best to get it off your chest. Know that your dentist, along with the entire dental team, wants to you have a comfortable procedure. So, it is best to let them know any of your concerns. It is recommended for people with dental fear to book a consultation with their dentist before the scheduled treatments and examination they need to undergo. Proper preparation can help you understand what procedures will be performed and what to expect; this can significantly reduce your anxiety levels.

Bring someone along to support you 

For some people, they find it comforting to have a support system in the room while they are undergoing a dental procedure or while they have their oral examination. If you find it calming, you can try bringing a friend or a family member. This can make all the difference in the world, and a stressful dental visit can become a carefree one. However, you should discuss this first with your dentist if they allow having another person in the room.

Find a way to distract yourself

It might seem hard to take your mind off certain dental procedures when you’re nervous. But, some things can help distract your thoughts. If the sound of the drill bothers you, you can try wearing headphones so you can listen to your favorite music or audiobook. You can also occupy your hands by squeezing a stress ball or playing with a small handheld item.

Avail of services in sedation dentistry

If a person cannot handle the thought of dental procedures despite knowing that they will be fine, they can be attended with sedation dentistry. Make sure to ask your dentist about the sedation options that they offer so you can have a relaxing and stress-free dental experience.


Avail of comfortable dental procedures with the help of Sedation Dentistry in Chino Hills, CA. Schedule an appointment with us at VIP Dentistry for a high-quality treatment you deserve. We are located at 4200 Chino Hills Pkwy., #355, Chino Hills, CA 91709.