Dr. Han is proud to offer general dentistry services in the community of Chino Hills. For your family's dental care needs, call VIP Dentistry today.
Healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime! Dr. Han uses the VIP approach to promote a healthy chewing system or make corrections to it when necessary. Because he always uses advanced dental techniques, he rarely adjusts inlays, onlays or crowns in the mouth. He always uses an earbow procedure to relate an upper jaw to jaw joints and an articulator to fabricate well-fitting restorations. The benefits to patients are comfort, durability, pleasing esthetics, and a natural feel. The recovery feels like your own tooth.
Inlay: It is a type of treatment that takes two appointments to complete. It can repair a tooth that is affected by a small decay, only. The inlay is preferred over a tooth-colored filling (Composite filling) because it is more durable, comfortable, and longer-lasting. Most importantly, it preserves or improves the bite (occlusion), thereby preserving the healthy chewing system of your mouth. Although the composite filling may look esthetically pleasing, it permanently changes the bite relationship due to its uncontrollable, fast erosions, thereby adversely affecting the stability of the healthy chewing system. In addition, the composite filling is more prone to decay because bonding to dentin is temporary, only lasting up to three years. The dentin makes up the majority of the tooth structure, which lies underneath the enamel.
Onlay: This is a type of treatment that takes two appointments to complete. It is done when a cusp is fractured or the remaining tooth structure is too weak to withstand the biting force. An onlay is less conservative than an inlay, covering over a biting surface extending over a cusp. The gold onlay is the best because it wears like a natural tooth, does not damage the opposing tooth and can last a long time if done correctly. The gold onlay is more conservative than a crown because less tooth structure needs to be removed than either a porcelain onlay or a full crown. Although the porcelain onlay looks natural, it is more prone to fracture and can cause premature wear of the opposing tooth.
Crown: A crown is a restoration that caps or encircles a tooth. It is less conservative than either an inlay or an onlay. It typically takes two appointments to complete a crown. A gold crown is preferred over a porcelain crown or porcelain fused to the gold crown because it requires less removing of tooth structure, wearing like a natural tooth and is kind to the opposing tooth. Although the porcelain or porcelain fused to the gold crown may look better than a gold crown, porcelain is prone to fracture because it is brittle like glass by its nature.
The benefits to patients are the comfort, durability, pleasing esthetics, and a natural feel. The veneers look just like your own teeth, except looking even better.
Porcelain veneers or porcelain laminates are conservative, indirect restorations made of very thin shells of porcelain that are fabricated by a dental technician. They are bonded onto the front of teeth to alter the shape, color, and size of teeth so to mimic natural teeth. If preparation is made within the enamel and properly designed by the doctor, it can be as strong as natural teeth, stain-resistant, and durable.
To preserve as much tooth structures as possible, Dr. Han makes a precise diagnosis by taking molds of your teeth and relating the casts of your teeth on an articulator in order to duplicate the dynamic movements of your mouth; in this way, he can rebuild your new teeth to exact size, contour and shape that fit your mouth and face. By modeling the final outcome of your new smile, Dr. Han can ascertain exactly how much of the tooth structures need to be removed, minimally, in order to achieve a new smile. Dr. Han then makes the projected new smile on temporary veneers while the new ones are being fabricated at the laboratory. Dr. Han alters the shape and size of the temporary veneers if needed after evaluating a new smile with you. Once Dr. Han and you are satisfied with your new smile, the mold and photo of your temporary smile are taken, and then sent to Dr. Han’s technician so the final outcome is exactly as anticipated.
Because veneers can completely reshape your teeth and smile, they can often be alternatives to orthodontic treatment.
As with most dental restorations, porcelain veneers are not permanent and may someday need replacement. Proper maintenance can lengthen the life expectancy of porcelain veneers: good oral hygiene, professional cleaning by a hygienist three to four times yearly and precautions on eating habits such as biting into hard food or ice.
You may be a candidate for porcelain veneers if you experience any of the following:
Dr. Han sculptures the chewing surfaces of your tooth to fit the chewing system and checks the bite to the accuracy of 0.0005 inches. Consequently, it feels like the rest of your natural teeth, and you do not experience sensitivity or pain. However, it is important for you to know that the tooth-colored filling is a temporary fix because it is weaker than a natural tooth. Because the tooth-colored filling cannot maintain the chewing surfaces of the tooth, the opposing teeth will drift to meet the prematurely worn tooth-colored filling. Subsequently, the bite relationship of a healthy chewing system is altered permanently. Generally, an inlay or onlay is the treatment of choice over a tooth-colored filling because Dr. Han can control the bite.
A composite (tooth-colored) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by a small decay, only. The decayed portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling.
Composite fillings, along with silver amalgam fillings, are the most widely used today. Because composite fillings are tooth-colored and can be bonded to a tooth, thereby requiring less tooth removal, Dr. Han offers only composite fillings. Because composite fillings can be closely matched to the color of existing teeth, they are used for the front teeth or the more visible areas of the teeth.
Words of Caution: Fillings should be used only if the bite can be maintained. If the filling is large and occupies the large area of chewing surface or contact area, the tooth should be restored with inlays or onlays that are precise and durable. When filings are placed in the chewing teeth, it is impossible to restore the lost contact points at the proper positions and pressure. Even if it were possible, a filling will wear out quickly and loses the restored contact points. Teeth with a large filling and opposing tooth will begin to drift, causing unfavorable changes to jaw joints and discs and facial muscles! Dr. Han, therefore, places composite fillings where decay is very small and the finalized restoration is not in the place of tooth contact points. Also, Dr. Han uses a rubber dam to isolate teeth from saliva to ensure proper adhesion of composite material to tooth. tooth-colored fillings are a temporary repair of teeth for a short time!
Composite fillings are indicated for: