Makeover your smile with VIP Dentistry! We offer quality restorative and cosmetic dental care to our Chino Hills patients.
Dr. David Han specializes in restoring healthy, long-lasting smiles by focusing on the patient’s total oral health. Each component of your mouth works together to create a comfortable bite, a healthy mouth, and a beautiful smile. However, if one of these components is not working correctly, it can negatively impact many other areas of your oral health. With Dr. Han’s unique approach and in-depth understanding restorative and cosmetic dentistry, he offers smile makeovers that restore your mouth to total health and beauty.
If you need extensive dentistry, you need a clinician with the expertise, background, and experience of Dr. David Han.
When most of your teeth are damaged and you’re suffering in pain, it is imperative to restore your teeth to their optimal health and full functionality. Just restoring your teeth may not solve the underlying problem though, so Dr. Han employs the C.E.O. (Comprehensive, Esthetic and Occlusal) approach to reconstructing and restoring your mouth to total health and beauty. There are many components that make up your total oral health:
Dr. Han understands how each component interacts and supports one another. Any imbalance can jeopardize the health and comfort of your mouth.
Let Dr. Han and the VIP Dentistry team give you a beautiful, functional, and healthy smile. Call us at (909) 256-0469 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Han, your trusted Chino Hills dentist.